This is the story of the Skilpadsvlei wetland in Kommetjie, on the southern tip of Africa. Once an important breeding ground for the Western Leopard Toad, this humble wetland was filled in in the 1960’s, which was a disaster for the toads and other wildlife.
But in 2012 a Kommetjie environmentalist, Wally Petersen, was spurred on by Sam, a Western Leopard Toad which shared his garden, to turn the situation around and save the critically endangered toads.
With the help of the City Of Cape Town a huge pond was dug into the flat earth, and then we waited for rain. Today the pond is lovingly known as “Wally Se Gat” (Wally’s Hole) and its brimming with life, and the toads are back. Long may they live !
All proceeds go to Shark Spotters, directly contributing to water user safety and shark conservation in Cape Town.