The Fish Hoek shark exclusion net
Located in the southern corner of Fish Hoek bay, the net covers an area the size of approximately three international soccer fields.
The barrier is deployed and retrieved on a daily basis, weather permitting, during spring/summer time only, as this is the period of highest spatial overlap between people and sharks.
Weekends & School Holidays
9am to 5pm
November – March
9am to 5pm
Weather Permitting
Weekends, Public Holidays &
School Holidays
9am to 5pm
The exclusion net will not be deployed if weather conditions (wind and swell) are deemed to be unsuitable; this will be assessed on a daily basis. If weather conditions deteriorate over the course of a day when the net is already deployed, the net may be removed as a precautionary measure. Additionally, if there is a high presence of whales or other marine mammals in the area, the net will not be deployed.
To see if the exclusion net has been deployed today check us out on Facebook, Twitter, or download the Shark Spotters App. You can also SMS or CALL 078 1744 244.